500 g
1 kg
5 kg
10 kg
20 kg

Winter Green


Meadow fescue


Ryegrass pasture


Reed fescue


Red fescue

Detailed information

Lawn grass mixture designed for harsh, cold climatic conditions. It is hardy, durable and unpretentious.


Sowing from early spring to late autumn.

  1. Clear the sowing area of debris and large weeds.
  2. Align the plot.
  3. Dig up, then cover with fertile soil for about 10-15 cm. You can use the original method of English gardeners to prevent the appearance of weeds. Before filling the soil, put one layer of newspapers.
  4. Then the weeds will not germinate, and the newspaper will completely decompose in 1.5 years. By this time, your lawn forms a dense turf.
  5. The fertile layer is slightly rolled up.
  6. If there is no seeder, sow the seeds first along the plot, then sift the territory across. For uniform coverage.
  7. Sprinkle the seeds with soil.
  8. Roll up.
  9. Cover with a covering material.
  10. Do not allow drying and excessive moistening of the earth.

Shoots in 5-10 days. In the absence of irrigation or frost, the germination period may increase.

Watering in warm, dry weather – 3 times a week. In the heat — 1 time a day. In cool weather, 1 time a week is enough. In case of excessive humidity, aerate the soil.

The first haircut after reaching the grass growth of 7-8 cm. Before cutting, comb through the debris and let the sprouts rise. The height of the haircut is 4 cm.

Fertilizers should be used in spring – nitrogen; in summer – potassium and trace elements; in autumn – phosphate.

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